In our modern life, the longing for immortality is expressed in human striving to improve the technology and science in the near future. However, to fully grasp and understand the operation of the means and methods for acquiring eternal life or very long life, one must see and understand first of our aging process. This makes many brilliant scientists eagerly seek evidence and theories that may answer such relentless desires.
In the course of research in human growth, scientists have invented a term which refers to the process of human growth - senescence. This term refers to degeneration concluded that occurs as people age. Senescence is considered a result of biochemical deregulation that is a natural component of life.
However, different species are different in the way of aging. For example, bat and rodent. Both are classified as mammals and both are the same size, but the bat generally lives longer than rodents. Bats can live to 30 years, while the latter usually have a life expectancy of only two to three years. Furthermore, some species such as rockfish, turtles, and lobsters display a certain trait known as the negligible senescence. This feature makes these specific animal species the ability to live longer than other species. Some of these species can reach even the incredible age of 200 years.
Findings in studies that were conducted by different researchers suggest that this particular resolution is the result of evolutionary and genetic factors that determine the longevity of these animals. However, scientists still find it difficult to implement this type of power of people and the reason is quite simple: we humans live in a completely different environment compared to those animals.
The best that we humans can do for now is to first define the various factors that fuel the aging process and thus to address these factors. One of the most obvious reasons or factors behind aging is stress. In a nutshell, the dynamics of stress simply say that constant beatings and punishments that our bodies from everyday tasks lead to a breach of a hormone that may ultimately lead to cell damage.
Furthermore, degeneration of the hypothalamus, a gland that resides in your head, is also one of the determinants of aging. The hypothalamus is solely responsible for the creation of "trafficking" of various hormones to other glands. Through time, the hypothalamus becomes weary and tends to be inaccurate in releasing proper amounts of hormone to other glands in the body. This leads to imbalanced hormone levels which cause tissue damage.
External factors, which are caused by the environment are also part of the very viable reasons behind the aging process. Environmental damage such as pollution, radiation, pollutants, along with self-induced stress and poor nutrition inflict damage to human cells. Significant damage is instantly caused to these cells when they are exposed to harmful external factors. Cells play a very important role in the aging process, as they contain valuable information for the development of the human body. Whenever a cell reproduces or divides itself, making sure that the new cell at the same level with the previous cell, which originates from. If that previous cell received any form of damage from the above mentioned factors, will then spawn new cells that possess slightly deformed information sets. This will start a trend of degenerated cells, leading to what is known as aging.
Among these scientific theories that deal with aging free radical theory aims to be the most popular among contemporary American health enthusiasts. This theory suggests that extremely reactive chemicals for which the term free radicals refer to, are responsible for causing damage to the tissues of the body. Overall, however, these free radicals are not entirely bad for the human body, because they also serve numerous purposes for the development of the organism. But what is harmful to human body, especially the tissues is the ability of free radicals to play in too large quantities. Free radicals are endowed with an extra electron, which makes them more capable of stealing electrons from other molecules, they tend to do often. This act subsequently leads to a very dangerous cycle that can burnout cells constantly repairing damaged molecules.
With these various theories that try to decipher the process of aging, certain medical solutions are developed to combat the inevitable aging ritual. Most common among these medical solutions are taking vitamin C and vitamin E supplements to combat stress and to balance the damage caused by free radicals in the body. Another effective method is to reduce the average intake of junk food and replacing it with healthier food choices such as fruits and vegetables.
One means to combat the toll of aging today is through the consumption of high quality GenF20™ HGH or Human Growth Hormone precursors. The GenF20™ HGH supplement can help to increase energy levels that can make you a lot more productive by enabling you to perform more tasks efficiently. This supplement can also help to lower cholesterol plus help to improve brain, vision, and immune function. These are only some of the capabilities of the GenF20™ HGH supplement in controlling the aging process, but nonetheless the GenF20™ supplement is, by far, the most advanced dietary supplement that can help with the process of aging. These advances that were made in the light of combating factors that leads to premature aging, can truly give reaffirmation in believing that the fountain of youth that every man longs for is truly within reach.